
From Tijuana to Harvard to Compton to UCLA Law

Luz Herrera, social justice lawyer and UCLA law professor, was born in Tijuana to Mexican parents and grew up in the Latino neighborhoods of Los Angeles. After graduating from Harvard Law, she ran a solo law practice in working class Compton for years.  She was the only full-time Spanish speaking lawyer in a city of over 50,000 Latino residents.  She says she learned to think like a lawyer at Harvard but learned how to be a lawyer in Compton.

Hall And Coates (CA-44)

California state Senator Isadore Hall, widely considered the most corrupt politician in Sacramento, must have been feeling his oats when he snagged a cushy deal at the Alameda Court apartments development he helped push through... with a nice subsidy from the City of Compton. Shortly after the initial approval, the developers contributed $10,000 to Hall. Can you spell quid pro quo? Or you thought only Republicans engage in this kind of bribery?

The Root Of Economic Inequality Goes Right Back To Inequality In Educational Opportunity

One of the brightest hopes for progressive governance in the L.A. area going forward-- not garden variety, corrupt Democratic Party hackish governance but progressive governance-- comes from Micah Ali, president of the Compton Board of Education and a candidate for the 64th Assembly District open seat.

Micah Ali: "How Can Children Learn If Their Parents Are Unemployed?"

Micah Ali talks with a father at drop-off time outside McKinley Elementary's preschool classroomMicah Ali is an old friend of mine who I met through People For the American Way's Young Elected Officials Network. Blue America has endorsed him in an election next year for a seat in the California state Assembly. But right now he's still the head of the Compton School Board.