
The surveillance society is here, and what you can do to protect yourself

George Orwell’s 1984 featured a dystopian England, and indeed, a world, of three superstates that all ran according to the same principles.  Eternal war, eternal ignorance, and eternal subservience, whether realized or not.  BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU was this book’s addition to the American lexicon for many, many people.

Andrew Cuomo thinks pols are either talkers or doers -- guess which he thinks he is

The New Yorker caption for this picture is: "At close range, the Governor is a formidable presence. His speech comes in aggressive, self-confident bursts, especially when he's sizing up the state of political play, and he is relentless." I thought this was kind of funny, because just looking at the picture, I thought of some tacky horror-movie KenIt's about as old an argument as there is in the field of government: compromising to get stuff done vs.

Who Gets Fucked When DC Republicrats Decide To Compromise? Not The Koch Brothers, Wall Street Or The Adelsons

Well, the regular working families are the ones who take it in the neck, of course. Republicans grudgingly prepared to not shut down the government by bragging to their extremist fringe that they would still enforce plenty of pain on the poor people their party is perpetually at war with.

Kerith Strano Taylor Wants To Work For Us-- And There's No Doubt She Would Do A Better Job Than Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA)

As you probably know, Alan Grayson, a congressman who never sells out or bargains away the legitimate rights of working families, has been the most successful Member of Congress in terms of bringing both parties together in moving sensible, bipartisan legislation. Friday I spoke with a progressive candidate in a pretty red Pennsylvania district, Kerith Strano Taylor and her approach to working across party lines reminded me of the way Grayson does it.