
Rates of this Preventable Disease Quadrupled in 35 Years

Type 2 diabetes, a serious disease (especially if left untreated) that can result in amputations and lifelong complications, can usually be prevented through healthy diet and exercise, and that’s exactly what needs to happen, the World Health Organization (WHO) warns. The number of people with the condition has quadrupled in less than 40 years, with approximately 422 million people now suffering from the ailment.

Diabetes is on the Rise Among Tweens and Teens

Type 2 diabetes was once considered an old person’s disease; but as more Americans became obese, younger adults started developing the condition. Now type 2 diabetes is striking a growing number of kids. Data from the CDC show that about 17% of kids and teens in the U.S. are now considered obese, and a new study indicates that there has been a corresponding increase in childhood cases of type 2 diabetes. [1]