
Clash of the Titans? Trump to meet Xi

China has warned the US not to exacerbate tensions on the Korean Peninsula by deploying advanced anti-missile batteries in South Korea [Image: Archives]
When Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with US President Donald Trump on Thursday it couldn’t be more of a conference of polar opposites.
But opposites attract and in the next few months the two global superpowers are going to need each other more than ever If they are going to peacefully resolve the crisis in the Korean Peninsula.

With Fidel Castro gone, the age of revolution ends

Fidel Castro was a staunch ally of nationalist, anti-colonialist and pro-independence African leaders like Nelson Mandela [Xinhua]
The 20th Century’s last great revolutionary, Cuba’s Fidel Castro, died on November 25.
And the age of revolution died with him.
Loved and respected by many, hated by some, there is no questioning that Fidel played a pivotal role in shaping the world in which we currently live.
François Hollande, president of France, called him a “towering figure of the 20th Century”. And so he was.

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope 2: Golden Bank for International Shakedowns (Half)

This is the first free hour of my talk on Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope where we cover the next few chapters dealing with World War I and the reparations on Germany as a cloak for Global Government by the true “Inner Circle” of Illuminists and a one world order through the BIS, and the lead-up to World War II. For full talks, subscribe to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links at my for 4.95 a month or 60.00 a year.
Part 1 of the lecture series is here.