
US ‘left’ aligns with State Department on China Cold War

Red Lines host Anya Parampil talks to Danny Haiphong, a contributor at the Black Agenda Report, about why some US leftwing media outlets repeat State Department talking points on China.   Haiphong also challenges some of the more hackneyed talking points repeated in putatively left media, including that “China is capitalist” and “China has imperialist […]
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Philosopher John Gray: ‘Today’s Global Shift is Bigger Than 1989’

Western hegemony and globalization appear to be approaching an impasse. This moment of change appears to have been accelerated by the government-engineered lockdowns amid the COVID crisis. How significant is this time in history compared to other major watershed moments of the last 100 years?
Will the world descend into melange of competing anarcho-states, something more akin to a ‘Game of Thrones’ world?

No-Go Zone: Maxwell Denied Bail, Tucker Cucked, Covid Lies, Nick Cannon & Reparations

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik covers the latest important news in episode 20 of No-Go Zone.
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Turkey (Re)Converts Hagia Sophia Into Mosque & BLM’s Cultural Revolution - FF Ep84

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik and Lana cover the latest news in episode 84 of Flashback Friday.
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Stephen Hicks: Postmodernism, Socialism and Nazism

Prof. Stephen Hicks is a philosopher who is well known for his expertise in demystifying postmodernist ideology. His insights into postmodernism and political correctness have extra significance today as we see university progressive activism spilling out into the streets. Can western society proceed forward based on post-Enlightenment principles of reason and critical thinking, or will it digress backward into degeneracy?

Question: Who Killed More – Hitler, Stalin, or Mao?

It’s a bone of contention which regularly features in today’s debates between the political left and and conservatives: who was the biggest mass murdering political leader of the 20th century? 
Many might assume that it is Nazi Germany’s mercurial Adolf Hitler with the Holocaust, while others might opine its communist icon and Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, whose terror famine that likely took more lives than the Holocaust.