
Disinfowars 29 – Marxism in the Truth Movement - Spy Culture

Marxism usually gets a bad rap in the Truth Movement, but the two share a lot of key ideas. This week I explore the schizoid relationship the Truth Movement (or sections of it) have with Marxism, looking at how the notion of 'waking up' functions in much the same way as 'class consciousness', how both Marxists and conspiracists predict the inevitable self-destruction of the economic system, and the downright bizarre confusion over Marxism's approach to central banking.

JaysAnalysis Audio: Republic Bk. V – Secrets of the Elite (Half)

In one of the most astounding works of the history of Western Literature, Plato’s Republic Book V details one of the deepest secrets of the elite and how it relates to mathematical mysteries.  In this free half of the audio I touch on one of the deepest secrets in all of political history, and decode its relationship to the mysteries of numerology and the ideational realm of the forms.  This is the free half of the paid lecture subscribers get full access to for $4.95 a month at the PayPal link to the right.

Disinfowars 22 – The Pentagon Papers - Spy Culture

In 1971 DOD analyst and RAND Corporation employee Daniel Ellsberg leaked The Pentagon Papers - the DOD's Top Secret history of the Vietnam War. This is one of the biggest and most famous leaks in history, but there remain huge questions about why this happened. Was Ellsberg a genuine whistleblower? Or were the Pentagon Papers leaked as part of a distraction and disinformation campaign?(Read more...)

ClandesTime 058 – Are We a Cult or a Country? - Spy Culture

From Jeremy Corbyn failing to sing the national anthem to the Prime Minister fucking a dead pig, it has been a fortnight to forget in British politics. In this episode I offer my reflections on the current state of affairs, in particular analysing the media campaign against Corbyn, the new leader of the Labour Party, and asking what's really behind it. Is this about creating a false rebel? Is this the establishment fighting back against a leader who refuses to occupy the centre ground?

Alex Jones vs. David Duke: Some Thoughts

Alex Jones vs. David Duke: Some Thoughts
By Brandon Martinez
For years Alex Jones has been criticized as a kosher spin artist who jumps through hoops to avoid talking about Zionism and Jewish power. He and his alt-media outfit Infowars has, since its inception, served to misdirect the sheeple into a myriad of dead-ends.
Jones’ modus operandi has always been to evoke elusive and shadowy phantoms to throw people off the trail of the Zionists.

The Walking Dead: Russia’s Immortal Regiment as Ancestor Veneration

“You are but millions. We are hordes and hordes and hordes.” (“Scythians,” Alexander Blok, 1918) On May 9, 2015, Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations Secretary-General, was on an official visit to Moscow in order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe. Upon seeing countless people marching in … Continue reading The Walking Dead: Russia’s Immortal Regiment as Ancestor Veneration