
Jay Dyer on ‘Tragedy & Hope’ Part 5: UK PsyOps, Hitler & the Axis Powers (Half)

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
In this first half of the 5th lecture, we discuss the causes of World War II according to Dr. Carroll Quigley in his monumental insider tome Tragedy and Hope, particularly as they appear to be arranged by the RIIA and Chatham House. This same Atlanticist network simultaneously appeased Hitler (“Peace in Our Time”) while hyping fears of Germany, using fake and staged news.

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope 5: UK PsyOps, Hitler & the Axis Powers (Half)

This is the first half of a 2 hour lecture which can be obtained by subscribing at the PayPal links at In this first free hour of the 5th lecture, we discuss the causes of World War II according to Dr. Carroll Quigley, particularly as appear to be arranged by the RIIA and Chatham House. This same Atlanticist network simultaneously appeased Hitler (“Peace in Our Time”) while hyping fears of Germany using fake and staged news. Meanwhile, they organized the US participation in the war through deception (Pearl Harbor) and their man, Bill Donovan.

The CIA and Hollywood 15 – SALT - Spy Culture

Rounding off this second season we take a look at SALT, the 2010 action thriller starring Angelina Jolie as a CIA officer accused of being a Russian sleeper agent. SALT is one of the less well known CIA-assisted productions, but along with technical advice from former CIA officer Melissa Boyle Mahle the producers also consulted with the CIA themselves in a video conference. There is also a very weird story involving one of the extras in the opening sequence in North Korea.

Hunter S Thompson’s FBI File - Spy Culture

Author and the creator of gonzo journalism Hunter S Thompson could be expected to have an FBI file, and he does. When it was released the FBI admitted that they had destroyed parts of it during the 1990s, and what remains is a smattering of amusing irrelevances. They began their investigations into Thompson in 1967 and continued until at least 1971, but the most interesting aspect of this is that they had an investigation into him at all.

5 Examples of Hollywood’s Influence on Politics - Spy Culture

Washington is Hollywood for ugly people, said Paul Begala (probably). Washington is the entertainment capital of the world, said Jack Valenti. Washington's influence on Hollywood, the state's influence on popular culture, is the primary topic of this site. But what about Hollywood's influence on politics, the influence of popular culture on the state?

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope: Rigged Boom-Bust Cycle

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times Podcast discuss Part 2 of his series of lectures on Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope. We talk about the World War I reparations, the creation of the Bank for International Settlements, engineered booms and busts, the financial crisis of the 1930’s and the lead-up to World War II.  Apologies from the road – I forgot I was on my iPhone so there is background noise.

The CIA and Hollywood 09 – Good Night, and Good Luck - Spy Culture

We welcome Ed Opperman to the series and discuss the 2005 docudrama Good Night, and Good Luck which retells the story of the 1954 confrontation between senator Joe McCarthy and television journalist Ed Murrow of CBS. In this episode we take a sideways look at the historical events and ask why Clooney and Heslov chose to lionise not just Murrow but the whole See it Now/CBS crew.

The CIA and Hollywood episode 9 Good Night and Good Luck

We welcome Ed Opperman to the series and discuss the 2005 docudrama Good Night, and Good Luck which retells the story of the 1954 confrontation between senator Joe McCarthy and television journalist Ed Murrow of CBS. McCarthy was pursuing Communists within the State Department and other government agencies and innocent people were getting caught in the crossfire, creating a climate of suspicion, mistrust and hostility.