
Porkins Policy Radio episode 87 MLK Assassination 49 Years Later with Doug Valentine

Doug Valentine joins me to discuss the 49th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. We begin by discussing Doug’s involvement with the King families civil case against alleged co-conspirator Loyd Jowers. Doug talks about how and why he was hired by King family lawyer William Pepper and the aspects that he was tasked with investigating. Doug discusses his time in Memphis interviewing witnesses to the crime, some of whom had never been questioned by police.

(Vid) Illuminati and Satanic Infiltration of the Vatican in Martin’s Keys of This Blood (Free Half)

In this lecture we come to the Catholic version of Tragedy and Hope the overlooked geopolitical tome of Malachi Martin, Keys of This Blood: John Paul II Versus Russia and the West for Control of the New World Order. Almost as revelatory as Dr. Quigley’s magnum opus, this angle looks at the Vatican’s role in 20th century geopolitics and its infiltration by Satanic and Masonic Groups.

Idiotic demand of Sen. Shaheen to investigate RT is an assault on the first amendement

One of the reasons I supported Donald Trump and continue to hope for the best when it comes to his Presidency, is that he wanted to ease the totally unnecessary tensions with a fellow superpower, the Russian Federation.
In the final months of the Obama administration, America came close to walking into a war with Russia. If the much vaunted no-fly zone over Syria would have been established, it could have led to Russian and American planes shooting one another out of the sky. For all intents and purposes, this would have meant open war, on top of the existing proxy war.

ClandesTime 102 – Was Richard Whiteley a Spy? - Spy Culture

Richard Whiteley is best known for presenting the popular afternoon quiz show Countdown, and Ricky Tomlinson is best known for starring in the popular sitcom The Royle Family. Back in the 1970s things were very different. This week we examine Tomlinson's recent allegation that Whiteley was a 'member' of the security services, due to his role presenting an 1973 documentary that influenced the trial of the Shrewsbury 24 - including Tomlinson.

ClandesTime 097 – Sterling Hayden - Spy Culture

Sterling Hayden's life encompassed many important events and periods of the 20th century. A lifelong seaman he joined the Marine Corps and the OSS during World War 2, running smuggling operations to support anti-fascist partisans in Yugoslavia. He was also a movie star, famously appearing in The Godfather and in two Stanley Kubrick films - The Killing and Dr Strangelove.