
Watch what happens when you wave an American flag in Cuba

Ever since the Cuban Revolution of 1959, Cuba has not exactly been the most pro-American country in the world.
Cuba’s May Day celebrations therefore are not exactly the kind of place to express a pro-American message, but one man did just that when he ran through a May Day parade route waving an American flag.
It has to be seen to be believed.

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A conservative take on International Workers Day

Like all political systems formed on an ideological rather than a pragmatic basis, communism is flawed. Liberalism for example, is flawed for many of the same reasons that communism is, in spite of the fact that it sets itself against communism. Both share an unhealthy fanaticism that is difficult to successfully oppose.
But on this International Workers Day, I would like to celebrate the most important achievement of socialism and communism. This achievement happened as much by accident as by design.

5 misconceptions about North Korea explained

Yesterday, the North Korean Ambassador to the UN gave a tense press conference in which he issued a statement promising that his nation would exercise the full right to self-defence in the event of an attack from the US.
He also affirmed that in his view, the threats from the US justify North Korea’s weapons programmes as it has shown that such things are necessary in order to both deter and defend against an attack.

NORTH KOREA: A Carefully Maintained Dystopia With a Right to Defend Itself…

I was watching some of the BBC news reports from North Korea’s military parade during the ‘Day of the Sun’ celebrations. It was a rare occasion in which select foreign reporters were allowed – under very close supervision (and minus their phones) – into the North Korean capital. The celebrations happen every year, but the […]

The Israeli Experiments in Voluntary Communism

When Zionism rose to prominence in the Jewish world, many thought voluntary socialism and Zionism were a perfect match. The mass immigration to Palestine would create an opportunity to build a utopian socialist society from scratch. By the 1980s, however, the "Kubbitzim" had devolved into financially insolvent, privilege-weilding special interest groups relying on state power for their continued existence.

For A New Rendezvous With Dr Ambedkar – Focus on Last Decade of his Life

..Everybody would agree that it is a challenging task to encapsulate a great wo/man’s vision in a few words- who as a public figure has impacted not only her/his generation but future generations, initiated or channelised debates in the society, led struggles, mobilised people, wrote thousands of pages and left a legacy for all of … Continue reading For A New Rendezvous With Dr Ambedkar – Focus on Last Decade of his Life