
Facebook Censors Congressional Candidate’s Video about Communist Crimes

Facebook banned California Republican congressional Candidate Elizabeth Heng's campaign video ad about communist crimes that led her parents to flee mass murder by communists in Cambodia in the 1970's. Facebook says it does not allow "shocking, disrespectful, or sensational" content. [Does anyone actually believe that? Can you imagine Facebook banning a leftist campaign video that showed Nazi crimes against communists in Europe? Neither can we.] See the banned video here.

New World Order By H.G. Wells: Globalist Book Series – Jay Dyer (Half) – 5PM CST LIVE

Continuing the globalist books series we look at H.G. Wells’ important propaganda piece, The New World Order. We’ll also be taking Q n As and looking at what kind of content you want to see more of and what your favorites have been. This is the half lecture: full lectures are available by subscribing at JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year.
Audio Here

Deconstructing Julia Kristeva and the Communist Spy Allegations

Julia Kristeva is one of the 20th century’s most famous female intellectuals who has won numerous gongs and awards for her contributions to linguistics, philosophy, psychoanalytics and semiotics.  She was part of the top-level French philosophical clique that included Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida.  She was also, it is alleged, a spy for the Bulgarian […](Read more...)

Operation Rodman: State Dept Cables on Dennis Rodman’s 2013 Visit to North Korea

Dennis Rodman's visit to North Korea in early 2013 sent shock waves through the international media and inspired a CIA-supported Hollywood film about assassinating Kim Jong-Un. It also drew the attention of the US State Department, who recently released cables about Rodman's trip, though they are highly classified and heavily redacted.

California Proposes Trading A President’s Day for May Day, Traditionally A Day to Celebrate Communism

California Democrat Assemblyman, Miguel Santiago, introduced a bill proposing to allow schools to replace Washington's Birthday or Lincoln's Birthday with “International Workers’ Day”, better known as “May Day”. This has become universally recognized as an annual holiday to celebrate Communism. Although the bill was rejected (this time), 45% of the legislators present voted for it. [...]