
Understanding the Holodomor and why Russia says nothing

One of the charges that nationalist Ukrainians often lodge against their Russian neighbors is that the Russian government has never acknowledged or formally apologized to Ukraine for the “Holodomor” that took place in Ukraine in 1932-1933. This was a man-made famine that killed an estimated seven to 10 million Ukrainians , though higher estimates claim 12.5 million and lower ones now claim 3.3 million.

ClandesTime 164 – China’s Influence in Hollywood

China is without doubt a major player in Hollywood. Both private investment and state regulations and censorship have played a significant role in the American movie business in recent years. This week I examine the Chinese influence on Hollywood, both in terms of the shape of the industry and the shaping of film content. I examine how both the US and China have adopted protectionist mentalities, but are forced to work together for mutual economic benefit.

Cultural Protectionism? The 2012 China-Hollywood Agreement

In 1994 the Chinese government first allowed Hollywood films to be distributed within the country.  Since then the US and China have been in a near-constant state of negotiations over import quotas, profit sharing and market access.  In 2007 the US brought a case before the World Trade Organisation, arguing that Chinese protectionism was preventing […](Read more...)

The Pentagon’s China Syndrome

While some senior military officials have spoken openly about the possibility of a war between the US and China, the entertainment liaison offices appear to be working to ensure that doesn't happen. Perhaps surprisingly, they have refused to support films, TV shows and video games where China is the adversary or antagonist, replicating the mentality shown by the Chinese government's censorship board.(Read more...)

Ukraine MP reports that Ukrainian SBU is interrogating priests

TASS News Agency reported on December 3rd that the Ukrainian SBU (the SBU, analogous to the FSB in Russia) is presently questioning about twenty priests from two eparchies of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate).
This report comes from the leader of the opposition party in Ukraine’s own Verkhovna Rada (Parliament), a man by the name of Vadim Novinsky. (emphasis added):

Cold War, Propaganda and CIA’s Doctrinal Warfare Against the Churches

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his lecture “Cold War, Propaganda and CIA’s Doctrinal Warfare Against the Churches.” We talk about the history of manipulation and infiltration of the Christian churches, particularly the Orthodox Church and Catholic Churches, by western intelligence agencies. We also discuss how tax exempt foundations have been used to wage psychological and cultural war against traditional societies both domestically and abroad. Jay is the host of Jay’s Analysis and the author of Esoteric Hollywood and the soon to be released Esoteric Hollywood II.

Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger & Wemhoff Book – Jay Dyer (Half) Live 8PM EST

Tonight I’ll be covering Dr. No, From Russia with Love, Goldfinger and Thunderball and their Cold War secrets, especially in relation to the first chunk of David Wemhoff’s book on the CIA’s Doctrinal Warfare Program. This is the free half for public viewing, while full talks can be obtained by subscribing at JaysAnalysis at the purchase membership section.