
Opinion: Why the world should pay attention to President Trump [Video]

President Trump is a man unleashed. After the dreadfully powerful and public failure of the Compleat Fake Impeachment Inquiry (and Show Trial), Donald Trump did not put his gained political capital in his pocket. He is instead, off and running with a vengeance not seen in modern American politics, certainly not in the fifty some odd years of my lifetime, and possibly not seen in the nation’s history.

Andrew Yang — Right Message, Wrong Target (Part 2)

The solution for the funding of UBI is very simple, it should be paid out of newly created debt-free money. And when people hear this they cry instinctively “That would cause inflation”. No! Inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods. The people at the bottom of society: the underclass, the homeless, the unemployable, do not have too much money, some of them have no money at all.

Andrew Yang — Right Message, Wrong Target (Part 1)

Although he has now withdrawn from the Presidential race, the charismatic Yang has been the first person  to bring Unconditional Basic Income firmly under the spotlight of mainstream American politics. Surprisingly, Hillary Clinton actually considered it in 2016, but why give ordinary people money when you can sell your soul to the rich and powerful, lining your own pockets in the process?

Glen The Chinaman - Coronavirus Update: Bioweapon Cover-Up & The Chinese Government

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik is joined by Glen The Chinaman to talk about the Coronavirus, China, the Chinese Government, a potential bioweapon cover up and much more. 
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Wuhan Coronavirus & The Doomsday Prophets - FF Ep62

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik and Lana cover the latest stories and important events of the week in episode 62 of Flashback Friday.
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