
COVID-19 Crisis: Why is West copying all China’s COVID policies?

The COVID-19 crisis has seen a wave of mass hysteria and panic sweeping across the planet, which seems to have prompted Western governments to overreact in grand fashion. Where did the UK government get the idea to construct nine “Nightingale” pop-up hospitals? Where is the West getting all of its prompts, ideas and policies? The answer: from the onset, western leaders in the US, UK and Europe – have all been copying China. Thus far, the results have been disastrous for the major western countries.

The Americans – Cold War Secrets Revealed – Jay Dyer / Mark Hackard

Russia Analyst Mark Hackard returns to discuss the Illegals program and Directorate S now that I completed the FX series.  The 6 season show chronicles and illegals family in the US and its (exaggerated) operations towards the end of the Cold War as perestroika approaches.  We will discuss the fiction and fact, fantasy and reality, noting how the show strove, for the most part, to attain realism.


Orthodox Christianity vs. Socialism, Part V: Why are there “Christian socialists?”

Despite the facts we are outlining in this Christianity versus Socialism series, we are faced with the fact that there are a great many people – even Orthodox Christians – who ascribe to a philosophical point of view that is not Christianity at all, but socialism. Telltale signs of this include the belief in the notion that rich people should not be so rich, that their ‘excessive wealth’ is sinful and that money ought to be distributed among the people who are not wealthy.

Orthodox Christianity versus Socialism, Part IV: Socialism endorses stealing

We return to our series on Orthodox Christianity versus Socialism with a look back at the three previous Articles. In our first installment we examined the basic matter of materialism (not to be punny), noting that Socialism is completely different in its worldview, treating matter itself as the only creative energy or force, and emphasizing a point of view that nothing exists beyond the material world.

Ethan Ralph - Making Communists Angry + Unparalleled Response To The Coronavirus

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Ethan Ralph from the KillStream joins Henrik to talk about an eventful weekend. He was stripped of his verified partner status on Dlive after making communist angry during a debate. What are the options if Dlive folds? We also talk about the unparalleled response to the Coronavirus.

Sigmund Freud VS. C.S. Lewis: God, Life & Love – Jay / Jamie (Half)

Jamie joins me to discuss and review the book The Question of God: CS Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Etc. The compares two radically different paradigms on how to deal with life’s big questions.  The work is a summation of a class taught at Harvard Medical Class dealing with ethics and psychology.  Part 2 will be available for paid subscribers to my work.   Moved to Tues. night due to lost power cord. LIVE in 10 mins!! 

Incompetent Moralizing By WHO Is Why Coronavirus Now Is Spreading Globally

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik gives an important update on the Coronavirus and how incompetent moralizing by the World Health Organization caused it to spread globally. We look at a recent press conference by WHO and how the situation in Italy is quickly getting worse.

Orthodox Christianity versus Socialism, Part I – all about stuff

In a newsfeed I receive from Ayatollah Khameini, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I saw this interesting post. It would appear that the Ayatollah likes socialism. He presumed, amazingly, to offer some advice to Americans about their capitalist government:

I guess the Grand Ayatollah is… a Bernie Sanders supporter?