
5 Stories Everyone Is Ignoring While the Media Implodes over Trump Firing Comey

(ANTIMEDIA) A power hungry president has kicked a power player out of office, and the mainstream media is having a field day. Headlines have obsessively focused on Trump’s termination of FBI Director James Comey and the implications that come with it, drawing comparisons to Richard Nixon’s Watergate scandal and questioning Trump’s decision to fire the man who was leading an investigation into the president’s own alleged misconduct.

Neo Con Trump & the Surveillance Deep State, Vatican & Ritual Cults – Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his recent lecture regarding the Wikileaks ‘Vault 7’ release which has given the public a glimpse into the CIA’s cyber hacking and data mining capabilities. Later we discuss his talk on Malachi Martin’s Keys of This Blood, a book that examines the Vatican’s role in 20th century geopolitics and the infiltration of the Catholic Church by Masonic and Satanic groups.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Myopic and Intellectual Incoherence of the Alt-Left

Myopic modern day liberalism never scared the imperialists. And why should it? The corporate state and statism are the enemies. The infantilized alt-left with its preoccupation with social issues of no consequence like multiculturalism and diversity and transgender bathrooms subverted the argument. It’s not politics. It challenges nothing of consequence. Not neoliberalism, imperialism, globalism, nada. They are the party of not-Trump. They’re defined in the inverse. Corporatocracy, the military and prison industrial complexes remain sacrosanct, inviolate and unchallenged.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Myth of the Russian Hack | Media Echo Chamber Pavlovian Obeisance

They were the voice of a generation.
Imagine what that must feel like. Hillary forced to watch yet another inauguration she was promised by the Gods. It must be horrible though I can’t exactly sympathize. The thought of her being at the helm is more than a tender mind can handle. Look at what’s been said anent the imaginary and illusive Russian hack. The constant refrain of contamination and attack without so much as a shred and ort of evidence. Details, details, m’boy. Enjoy. Or not. It’s your call.