Color Revolution

Lord Malloch Brown Revealed: The British Hand Behind the Coup Shows Its Scales Again

Originally Posted on the Strategic Culture Foundation Throughout the four-year drama of Russiagate, the hand of British intelligence has revealed itself continuously. From the obvious role of Sir Richard Dearlove and his former MI6 underling Christopher Steele who together played a driving role in shaping the dodgy dossier, to their involvement with Oxford Rhodes Scholar Strobe Talbott in composing, […]

The D33p State Narrative Of Russia Gate Finally Unravels – Jay Dyer on lnfowarz

Today I host the final hour of the hAlex J0nes Show and cover yet another nail in the coffin for the russiagate concoction, particularly by  putting it in its wider context.  We cover color revolutions as a result of the close of the Cold War, the application of that color revolution model being applied to […]

Coming Soon to a U.S. Neighborhood Near You? Regime-Change Foot Soldiers Parading as Social Justice Warriors

Is the ‘Trump regime’ about to get a taste of the color revolution tactics that America has employed in the past against “illiberal” foreign governments that refused to toe the neoliberal globalist line? It’s looking highly likely.
Despite great efforts by the mainstream media to play it down, an increasing number of Americans are being subjected to a level of aggression, intimidation and street violence that the authorities seem unable or unwilling to control. This is no accident.

Democrat-led ‘Transition Integrity Project’ Plan for Post-Election Chaos

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”
– Marcus Tullius Cicero