The Color Bars

The Color Bars-- Music For Bernie... And Beyond

Like me and Bernie, the Color Bars are from Brooklyn. They are Gerald Slevin, Dave Spelber, Sam Friend, Isaac Wynn, and John English and "The End of the Corporate Age" is a new song they released just a few days ago. They have 3 albums out already, Prosopopeia, Kairos at Infinity and Making Playthings. Their music is awesome; their art is awesome and their politics... Well, you can probably tell from the video up top.

Steve Israel Is Retiring. Will Long Islanders Replace Him With A Genuine Democrat? Meet Jonathan Clarke

If you define Long Island as Nassau and Suffolk County, as most New Yorkers do, you're looking at 4 congressional districts, all won by Obama both times he ran. All 4 current congressmembers are more conservative than their constituents. Failed PR executive and former Blue Dog Steve Israel has represented NY-03 for 16 years since winning the open seat by defeating an African-American woman, Joan Johnson.