Colin Flaherty

Who Is AK Nation?

Colin Flaherty is a white American who reports on black crimes, specifically black “mob violence”, violent crimes inflicted on whites and other minorities, and on black gun crime. Flaherty cannot be debunked so he can either be ignored or denounced as, you guessed it, racist. What though of AK Nation? He runs two YouTube channels […]

The Return Of The Knockout Game

On a street somewhere in urban Ameri-K-a, a young white boy is practising his dance moves. A black car passes in the background, pulls up just behind him, a black dude climbs out of the car, sucker punches him, then darts back into the car and is driven off.
The boy falls to the ground then stands up, apparently more confused than hurt, but this is a typically delayed reaction, and he is soon taken away for medical treatment by his companions.
Welcome to the knockout game!

The Problem With Colin Flaherty

If you haven’t heard of Colin, he is one of many people booted from YouTube for telling unpalatable truths. His current situation is somewhat ambiguous, but his channel was removed in 2015 and again in 2018. It had a massive subscriber base. When people are kicked off YouTube it is supposed to be forever, but currently there are at least two channels in his name: one has nearly eight and a half thousand subscribers; the other has far fewer.

The ‘Knockout Game’ Never Went Away and People Are Dying

The 'knockout game' has never gone away, although the media downplay it. Most of these attacks are driven by racial hostility directed by blacks against whites. [It is uncomfortable for us to carry this story because of the possibility of being falsely accused of being racist. Yet, these things really are happening and to ignore them to be politically correct is not honest journalism. We welcome reader opinion on this.] [...]