
FDA Sends Warning Letters to Makers of Potentially Deadly Powdered Caffeine Products

Five manufacturers of powdered caffeine have been informed by the FDA that they must stop producing some of their products, provide measuring devices for their products, or package their products in smaller amounts after the agency found that some packages of the substance contained as much as 50,000 servings of caffeine. [1]

Adrenal Fatigue Treatment – 15 Essential Rescue & Recovery Tips

Adrenal fatigue is a commonly experienced syndrome in today’s world of stress and high energy. Adrenal fatigue symptoms are often confused for other health issues, and are largely ignored by mainstream medicine. Just as with thyroid conditions, those who are easily fatigued, full of anxiety, or exhausted constantly can face a battle that not many others understand. If you suspect you might have adrenal fatigue (and so many of us do), it is time to uncover adrenal fatigue treatment and solutions that could really work.

How Coffee Guards Against Alzheimer’s, Type 2 Diabetes

We know that just enough coffee can perk you up, and too much coffee can keep you up. Now, scientists are saying that moderate amounts of coffee can improve your cognitive abilities.
People who consistently drink one to two cups of coffee per day throughout their lives and don’t regularly drink more than that significantly decrease their chances of developing mild cognitive impairment (MCI), according to researchers.

Study: Drinking This Often Lowers Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Drinking coffee could cut the risk of Type 2 diabetes, according to a new study that reinforces the previously discovered ability of the caffeinated beverage to reduce inflammation and prevent the disease.
Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos of Harokopio University’s Department of Nutrition and Dietetics in Athens, Greece, and his colleagues recruited 1,300 men and women over the age of 18 and categorized them into three groups:

10 Amazing Foods to Add to the Standard American Diet

If you’ve been contemplating how to get more nutrition while consuming less calories, you’re not alone. The average American is said to need an approximate 2000 calories depending on their height, gender, and physical activity levels. But the reality is that individuals consume much more than this, and the foods making up these calories are certainly not on a ‘healthy’ level most of the time.

Is Starbucks’ Newly Offered Coconut Milk ‘Fake’?

If you don’t mind paying an extra 60 cents for a non-dairy alternative, Starbucks is now offering coconut milk as an additive for your daily coffee habit. But this coconut milk may not be so pure.
The mega-chain is hoping that the ‘certified vegan’ coconut milk they offer will please clients who have dairy intolerances, and can’t consume soy.

8 True Benefits of Drinking Coffee You Didn’t Know About

If you’ve been wondering what all that coffee is doing to you, cheer up. A recent review of data completed at Gill Heart Institute in Kentucky focused on the cardiovascular, genetic, antioxidant and caffeine effects of coffee and found that drinking the brew reduces the risk of mortality right across the board. They also documented that coffee: