
Coffee Apocalypse Coming? Demand and Brazilian Drought Point to ‘Yes’

Drought-stricken Brazil will probably produce 10% fewer harvests of popular Robusta and Arabica coffee beans over the next year. That, along with a projected increase in global demand means the beans will become increasingly precious, according to the Foreign Agricultural Service’s coffee bean production report.
Coffee lovers, grab a cup of java, a box of tissues, and be prepared to find a support group.
It’s coming.
A global coffee shortage.

Study: 3-4 Cups of Coffee Per Day may cut Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Good news about coffee is always exciting, so here’s a bit more: scientists have linked drinking 3-4 cups a coffee a day to a decreased risk for Type 2 diabetes.
Or maybe we should say that scientists have once more linked drinking coffee to a decreased risk for Type 2 diabetes, because this isn’t the first time researchers have reached that conclusion.

‘Cubosomes’ in Coffee Could Offer All-Day Energy in Just 1 Cup

Nestle claims to have created a way for people to get an all-day caffeine boost from a single cup of coffee.
Scientists at the Nestlé Research Centre in Lausanne, Switzerland, together with École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and university ETH Zurich say they’ve found a technique which allows one little cup of coffee to release nutrients in a slow and sustained way.
The technique, which revolves around “cubosomes,” could potentially be used in a variety of other products, as well.

10 of the Filthiest Items in Your Home

Between flushing the toilet and spitting in the sink, it’s a given that your bathroom is crawling with germs. But you might be surprised to know that your toilet isn’t the most contaminated thing in your home.
Don’t be surprised if you feel a little sick after you look at this list of the most bacteria-, mold- and yeast-prone places and items in your house.

Darkness at Midnight: Violence and Inequality in Guatemala

It is fair to say that the affairs of the Republic of Guatemala don’t register all that much in the minds, nor in the media, of Americans. This probably shouldn’t be taken as surprising. The same can be said for most, if not all, small impoverished countries. Still in recent weeks very astute readers of newspapers would have come across a small smattering of stories, all of which it goes without saying would have received sprawling headlines if they involved a larger, non-impoverished country:

Heavy Coffee Drinking Linked to Improved Colon Cancer Survival Rates

Heavy coffee drinkers are far more likely to survive colon cancer than those don’t drink coffee, a new study concluded.
Significant benefits were found to begin at two to three cups per day. Colon cancer patients who drank four or more cups of caffeinated coffee per day had half the rate of recurrence or death than non-coffee drinkers. [1]
The study abstract concludes:

Avoiding These 5 Types of Foods Could Help You Avoid Migraines

About 45 million Americans deal with chronic headaches each year, but everyone has had to deal with pounding head pain at some point in their lives. But did you know that eating certain foods could actually trigger these painful episodes?

Migraines are especially intense, sometimes debilitating headaches with well-known triggers. If you suffer from migraines, you may have to give up some of the foods you love, but the good news is that you may be able to avoid spending more days lying in bed in the dark.