
Many Republican Senators Would Like To Distance Themselves From Trump-- But It's WAY Too Late For That

Several states run by governors refusing the work on flattening the curve are seeing an increase in confirmed coronavirus cases already-- and it's going to get a lot worse in these states. On Monday, Texas saw new 535 confirmed new cases. Yesterday there were 655 new cases. Florida has 610 new cases Monday and 708 yesterday. Iowa had 392 new cases Monday and 508 Tuesday. Oklahoma had 27 Monday, 130 yesterday.

How Strong Will Hillary's Coattails Be?

Another way to ask that question might be something like, "Will Trump's Negative Coattails Sink The GOP 2 Weeks From Today?" In a report Sunday for the NY Times, Alexander Burns and Amy Chozick emphasized that Hillary was in Charlotte that day urging black voters to "punish Republican officeholders for supporting Trump... going beyond seeking simply a victory over Mr.

Can The Democrats Win Back The House? Not With Pelosi's DCCC

When the DNC and DCCC ask you for a contribution with a promise that they're going to take back the House, they're being as dishonest as... well, as dishonest as Trump is with his myriad manipulative statements. The corrupt and incompetent DCCC hasn't put the work in that would be needed to take back the House and they don't have the candidates to do it.

GOP Establishment Is Worried Trumpf Or Cruz Will Wreck Their Little Racket, Not So Concerned About America

Ted Cruz has a scaremongery anti-immigration TV ad (above) to compete with Herr Trumpf's scaremongery anti-immigration TV ad. The competition for the right-wing populist vote is on. Fiorina, now one of the margin-of-error candidates hoping to get a job in someone's cabinet-- though not Herr Trumpf's, apparently-- was asked on Fox and Friends about the new Esquire cover story, Hater-in-Chief.

Aside From The Legalistic Bribes, What Makes Politicians Tick?

Not long ago a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll asked respondents about their own incumbent Member of Congress: "In the next election for U.S. Congress, do you feel that your representative deserves to be reelected, or do you think that it is time to give a new person a chance?" Only 35% thought their Member had earned reelection. 57% said it is time for a new person.