
New York Post: Congress Shocked at the Covid Fraud It Created

New York Post, December 2, 2022 Congress is shocked, shocked by the COVID fraud it created By James Bovard Like Captain Renault in the gambling casino in “Casablanca,” congressmen are “shocked, shocked” by all the fraud spawned by the trillions of dollars in COVID handouts they approved. The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis […]

Corruption Isn't A Complicated Thing-- But Few Politicians Pay For Their Crimes, Even When Caught Red-Handed

I do a radio show with David Feldman every week and yesterday he asked me to go off on Jim Clyburn (D-SC) and I said he's not especially more corrupt than anyone who's been in Congress as long as he is. He's been there long enough to become a criminal . The example I used was his acceptance of $2,387,755 in bribes from the Industrial Health Complex which he just paid back by undermining-- perhaps mortally-- Bernie's presidential campaign for them. Feldman asked me if that was really a bribe.

76% Of Democrats Now Favor Impeachment-- But Pelosi And Her Team Are Not Among Them

"Look at him," a senior Democratic congressman told me recently, less in disgust and more in pity, "he needs a crane to get him out of that chair. He's just let himself go..." Jim Clyburn (D-SC) may be in the worst shape of the three, but Clyburn is the "baby" of the the geriatric triumvirate at the top of the House Democratic caucus. Steny Hoyer turns 80 a week from next Friday. Pelosi's 80th isn't for another 9 months. Meanwhile, Clyburn won't even turn 79 til next month! It's absolutely insane that the 3 of them haven't retired. Do they think they're all that indispensable?

Jim Clyburn-- What A Swell Fella!

Anyone-- almost-- than CrowleyThe other day I was speaking to a top staffer on Capitol Hill. I mentioned that Jim Clyburn, was so drunk no one even understand what he's saying. "It's easier to make a list of members who aren't drunkards," he offered, than members who are. It'll take you half as much time." Maybe he was on his best behavior when David Siders interviewed him for Politico last week.

Yesterday-- Presages A November Election Between Two Truly Horrible Candidates

Rubio, Cruz and Herr Trumpf have been smearing each other all week, all month, all year, and each of them insists the other two are shameless liars. And, for once, all three are telling the truth. So it would be a bonus to put up a truthful and trustworthy Democrat in November. Regardless how you feel about Hillary Clinton, honesty and trustworthiness are not among the traits she's most admired for.

Nancy Pelosi Just Got a Talking-To from Her Caucus

UPDATE: The Rule as described below passed the House, 217–212, with eight Democrats jumping in at the last minute to push it over the line. McCarthy's order of business will start soon, presumably Friday. The roll call vote on the Rule is here. Blumenauer was a lead vote, again. There could be trouble ahead, with yet more kind words for Pelosi's helpful role, from New Dem chair Ron Kind, at the link.

Stealing From Medicare To Pay For TPP-- Unhealthy For Republicans... Deadly For Democrats

The vote of TPP is looming in the House and Obama has Jim Clyburn (D-SC) making all kind of handsome offers to Members of the Congressional Black Caucus to guarantee a big vote score from that circle. You won't find caucus members with integrity, like Barbara Lee and Donna Edwards, playing footsie with Clyburn on this, of course.

Would It Be More Appropriate To Introduce Don Yelton As "Mr. Republican" Or "Mr. Conservative?"

Thursday Rachel Maddow focussed on the Daily Show to make the same point Alan Grayson made when he pointed out that teabaggers are basically a modern-day version of the KKK. I wonder if Claire McCaskill, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Joe Crowley will condemn Rachel the way they condemned Grayson. In any case, you need to watch this segment.