Clueless Citizens

How to Deal with Clueless Citizens Telling You to Stop Taking Photos in Public

As much as we all complain about how the police officers and paramedics crawling up our – lenses, yes, lenses – when taking photographs in public, there is another problem that anyone – amateurs, hobbyists, news crews, professionals, just regular people with iPhones – taking photographs in public needs pay attention to.
The public. Yes, John and Jane Doe.
Not the cops, not the media. The public is all the other people standing on the street watching the paramedics or the police do their job –  without a camera on their neck.

Stupid Shit Cops Say to Keep You From Recording

As I dive deeper and deeper into the legal complexities of the right to photograph and record in public (I can quote Glik v Cuniffe so fast I will make your head spin), I have noticed a disturbing trend:
The reasons and excuses offered by police officers, firefighters, security officers, even teachers and principals, to keep you from taking a photograph are just plain pathetic.