Clueless Citizens

Texas Cops Trick Meth Users on Facebook To Visit Police For Ebola Test

Texas cops said ebola infected meth, using wizard level trolling on Facebook to trick methamphetamine users into believing that their speed might be tainted, and to visit the small town police department for drug testing.
It worked.
Granite Shoals Police Department issued the fake news report in their town of 5,000 just an hour northwest of the Texas capitol of Austin.
While most people weren’t fooled, one clueless citizen managed to make their way into the police station with their stash, and the Texas cops say that booking photos are coming soon.

GRAPHIC: Georgia Man Blows Own Leg Off Shooting Tannerite Target in Old Lawnmower

“I blew my leg off!” yelled the Georgia man after his 20th assault rifle round landed on target, blowing up an old lawnmower.
Absolutely, 100 percent do NOT try this at home.
Exercising your 2nd Amendment Constitutional rights should always take second place to valuing your own life and limb, but this foolhardy rifleman forgot that and is paying the price.
“Get an ambulance!” his two friends exclaimed in the video which is going viral below.

WATCH: Nebraska Cops Arrest Activist Carrying Rifle Case Holding Tripod & Wrongfully Convict Him (UPDATE II)

Cop Block activist Floyd Wallace was sentenced to 210 days in jail Wednesday after Nebraska’s justice system bamboozled the young activist, failing to “Mirandize” him or provide an attorney in court.
Is it legal to carry a tripod around in public?
Is it legal to carry a tripod inside of a rifle case in public?
Plainly, the answer is “yes” to both.

South Carolina Teacher Accused of Contributing to Delinquency of Minor After Student Steals Phone and Discovers Nude Photos

A South Carolina school teacher is accused of contributing to the delinquency of a minor after one of her students stole her phone, discovered nude photos and shared them with other students.
Leigh Anne Arthur, who said she had taken the nude photos for her husband as a Valentine’s Day present, was forced to resign.
She was escorted off school property.
The superintendent said Arthur was at fault for not having a passcode on her phone.
Meanwhile, the student, a 16-year-old boy, is still attending school.

VIDEO: North Carolina Walmart Employee Bumps and Bans Man Who Recorded Shoplifting

A North Carolina man recorded a shoplifter inside Walmart’s Wilmington location, only to be verbally harassed, threatened with arrest and banned by a clueless employee of the SuperCenter last Friday afternoon.
Jon Andrade thought he was doing the retail giant a favor by using his cell phone to capture a petty theft, when Walmart employees turned on him and demanded that he leave or be arrested for criminal trespassing on private property ending the encounter by telling the man that he is “Banned.”

University of Missouri Professor Melissa Click Criminally Charged for Assaulting Student Journalist During Protest

Melissa Click, the crazed communications professor from the University of Missouri who became a viral embarrassment to the university after assaulting a student photojournalist trying to video record a protest in November, was charged today with third-degree assault.
She faces up to 15 days in jail.
Now the question is, will the university continue to employ her?

Original Video of Frisky Cop Mistaking Man’s Penis for Firearm Even More Bizarre Than the One That Went Viral on Imgur

So last week, a video of a frisky cop mistaking a man’s penis for a deadly weapon had gone viral on Imgur, a short video with no audio that generated laughs, comments and compliments, but revealed no background.
The bizarre footage showed a shirtless, shoeless man being heavily patted down – groin area and all – as his hands are behind his back.

Pennsylvania Man Insults Activists, Makes Racial Epithet to Videographer, Then Tells Mom to Teach Girl “Good Morals” (Updated IV)

A man with no shame about his racist beliefs allowed himself to be recorded while he was insulting a group of activists in Pennsylvania, calling the black videographer a “chimp,” a “nigger” and making monkey sounds to further berate him.
Neither the videographer, Tom Jefferson, nor the other activists, allowed themselves to be sucked into a physical confrontation with the man, which seems to have been his goal.