
Draining Our Own Sewer: Clintonism

Please start by watching Elizabeth Warren's speech (above) to the AFL-CIO she made a few hours ago.Yesterday, Bernie issued a statement on Trump's electoral college triumph over Clinton: "Donald Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media.

Some Debts Can Never Be Paid

-by Daureen MowdWhat is Bill Clinton so angry about? Let’s take stock:

• rising from humble origins to the world’s most-powerful position,• continuing to have global prestige and influence,• penetrating deeply into high income and wealth, and• being married to an extremely smart, accomplished and widely admired woman-- Aha!

Bill is angry about the speed bumps hit by Hillary’s Presidential campaign. But Bill knows that:

Sen. Warren — Signing TPP Means Corporate-Controlled Courts Supersede National Courts

by Gaius Publius The TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) "trade" agreement issue is heating up, and if you follow this subject you may have seen seen our coverage — especially the attempt to divide the left by falsely painting TPP as "progressive": Obama Campaign Alumni–Led “270 Strategies” Form Astroturf Group to Promote TPPMore on “270 Strategies” — Paid to Play the Insider GameThat cynical messaging, by the way,