
Who Is Glenn Kirschner?

Kirschner is a former senior prosecutor. He started his career in the US Army and ended up running the homicide section in Washington DC.  He is currently teaching law at George Washington University. Those are impressive credentials, but a more relevant question today is who is paying this guy, or perhaps even more candidly, what has he been smoking?

Surprise, surprise (no surprise) – Analyst says Russians did NOT hack DNC server [Video]

On July 18th, Bill Binney, a former technical director with the National Security Agency (NSA) went public on a video interview, saying something that readers of The Duran have known for three years or longer: the Russians did not hack anyone. Even the around the edges hinting of Russian involvement in somehow ‘meddling’ with the American presidential elections in 2016 is absolutely false. Here are some quotes from the interview featured in the video clip:

Massachusetts Contact Tracing Program Handed to Clinton-Linked NGO with Questionable Past

Last week, the State of Massachusetts began implementing a contact tracing program in partnership with a Boston-based organization with ties to the biggest names in big pharma, the George Soros’ Open Society and the Clinton Foundation. Those ties go back decades and include U.S. intelligence assets and regime-change operations in Haiti including Operation Uphold Democracy, in which American troops invaded the Caribbean nation to clean up after the CIA-sponsored coup against Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

Why Trump Will Probably Win Re-Election

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at The Saker
Throughout this election-season in the United States, there have been many indications that the stupid voters who chose Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in 2016 are doing it yet again and chose Joe Biden over Sanders, and that they thus handed Trump the victory in 2016 and are repeating that performance in 2020. A new poll shows it clearly.