civil war

Emails linking Joe Biden to Ukrainian corruption appears to be official “October Surprise” [Video]

When the first news came out in the New York Post that a laptop computer left by an inebriated Hunter Biden contained e-mails implicating Hunter’s father, Democrat Presidential nominee Joe Biden, as having lied about having no involvement with Ukraine, it was difficult to ascertain if this story was going to take off. We published […]

Massive Big Tech Suppression, New Lockdowns & South Africa To Erupt? - FF Ep96

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik is joined by Raging Humanist to cover the latest news and important stories.
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The 1804 Northern Secession Plot and the Founding Fathers of the Deep State

“In a choice of Evils let them take the least – Jefferson is in every view less dangerous than Burr.”
– Alexander Hamilton (1800)
The miracle of America’s surviving its many near death experiences over the years can be attributed less to fate and more to the immense sacrifices by great statesmen over the years… one of whom we will explore in this essay.

The Establishment’s Plan to Divide Part 2: COVID-19, Election 2020, and The Great Reset

With the American public only weeks away from the 2020 presidential election it’s time to examine the narratives that are being crafted. This article is part 2 in a series which I started in December 2016, just weeks after Donald Trump was elected President of the United States. In that piece, I argued that a Read More...

The Menace of Far-Right Historical Revisionism

The impeached U.S. President, Donald Trump, has taken a step never attempted by any of his predecessors. Trump, who every day is exposing his fascist policies and intentions, has announced that he is establishing a “1776 Commission” to re-write American history and force-feed it to every public and certain private school students throughout the United States. Trump’s move is intended to counter the 1619 Project of the New York Times, which is designed to place slavery and the slave trade in a central context in dealing with the history of pre- and post-colonial America.

Tucker Carlson escalates the media war against CNN [Video]

Steve Turley, the host of the Turley Talks website and a prominent YouTube analyst, discusses the recent move by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson in airing a recording of a conversation between CNN’s Chris Cuomo, one of that network’s most prominent left-wing Marxists disguised as a reporter and disgraced former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, a man sadly caught up in the mess of his own lies and errors.