Citizenship Amendment Bill

Hyderabad Muslim Women’s Forum Codemns Attack On Students

Solidarity statement by Hyderabad Muslim Women’s Forum against the police action on students of Jamia Milia Islamia University and Aligarh Muslim University Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi became the centre of students protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act which was passed in the parliament last week. Even Aligarh Muslim University students were protesting against this Act. On 15th December[Read More...]

Why I’m Protesting: BJP’s Citizenship Bill Mirrors Nuremberg Laws

When Nazi Germany passed the Nuremberg Laws in 1935, they made it illegal for non-Germans to be citizens. Germans to prove that they had Aryan ancestry. India’s Citizenship Amendment Bill mirrors those Nazi laws. Instead of segregating people by genetics, it segregates them by religion. It makes religion the basis for citizenship. CAB is only the latest in a line[Read More...]

The Spectre of Jamia: Violation of a safe space

Co-Written by Ushosee Pal & Sanchari Basu Chaudhuri  Time and again, students have shown the way to dissent peacefully and demand change. And, Friday, the 13th was no different. Three to four teachers were giving a speech about NRC and CAB inside the campus while a number of students (around fifty) listened. It was peaceful inside the campus on that[Read More...]

Thanks Jamia students for putting your lives on the line, for speaking truth to power – for all of us!

The end, hopefully, of Jantar-Mantarisation of people’s resistance   It took the lesser-in-the-news, supposedly less-flashy Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) to change the complexion of resistance in the country. While we had earlier seen some protests regarding hike in hostel fees, whose narrative was broadened to “affordable public education,” we did not see much mobilization for various egregious national issues like[Read More...]

Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019: A step Towards Hindu Rashtra?

The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 was brought as a Citizenship Amendment Bill for the purpose of amending the Citizenship Act of 1955 to make illegal migrants who are Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, who entered India on or before 31 December 2014, eligible for Indian citizenship.

Renegades vs the true children of Mother India

There’s a well-known story, often included in children’s story anthologies, about the legendary wisdom of King Solomon. Once a dispute between two women was brought to him to resolve. Both of them were mother’s of two small babies, and they lived in the same house. One morning one of the babies was found dead, smothered in bed. Then each of[Read More...]

Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 and the threats upon the Assamese Community

Co-Written by Bishaldeep Kakati and Pranjit Das There was a time when the tales of the Assam Agitation were simply a part of history, for all those who were born in the post Assam Agitation era. But as the common quote itself says, “History repeats itself”, hence it seems that even something similar to Assam Agitation is currently lingering in[Read More...]

Anti CAB Protests: Hope for protecting India

India is witnessing a set of massive protests against the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB). These protests do offer a ray of hope of preserving and protecting the idea of ‘secular’ India. What the parliament sought to undo to the constitution through the majoritarian numbers is sought to be redone by the mass protests. A regime which is bent on bringing[Read More...]

STOP! The Police violence against students and those protesting the CAA!

PUCL strongly condemns the motivated, targeted and brutal attack by the CRPF and Delhi Police on students of Aligarh Muslim University and Jamia Millia Islamia University in Delhi yesterday, Sunday 15th December, 2019 causing serious injuries to over 150 students including girls, and also arrest of scores of students and youngsters. By all media reports and eye witness accounts, the[Read More...]

Students Across India Rise Up In Anger After Jamia Milia Crack Down Against Citizenship Amendment Act

Students  rose up across India against the unconstitutional Citizenship Amendment Act after their compatriots in Jamia Milia Islamia were violently beaten up in their campus yesterday. Police in both Delhi and Aligarh used excessive force against student protest. The crack down left a total of nearly 50 students injured and the 100 Jamia students – who had been detained after[Read More...]