Citizens United

A Step Toward Campaign Transparency

President Obama has called government “transparency” vital for a democracy. But, in practice, he has favored secrecy, keeping key foreign-policy facts away from Americans (all the better to manipulate them) and even balking at a rule requiring government contractors to disclose campaign spending, the latter only requiring a stroke of his pen, says Bill Moyers.…

Is Single Payer Worth Fighting For? Or Is It Better To Just Settle For Less And Leave It At That?

When Hillary attacks Bernie's single-payer health care plan, she acknowledges-- at least when pinned down-- that it's better than her own tepid, incremental proposal... but her argument, and that of her team, is that Bernie's plan could never pass this Congress. You don't say? Nothing that helps ordinary working families that either Hillary or Bernie proposes could pass this Congress. If Bernie is the nominee, the Democrats will surely recapture the U.S.

Bernie Continues Dragging Hillary Clinton In The Direction Of Progressive Governance

When Bernie announced his candidacy for president, know-it-all DC pundits all agreed he wasn't really serious and it was just a move by progressives to push Hillary Clinton toward crucial and popular progressive positions she would rather not fight with Republicans about. After all, Bernie exhibited none of the megalomania and fanatical House of Cards Frank Underwood drive to be president. And all he ever does is talk about goddam issues, issues, issues... he doesn't play the media games. Then something funny happened.

Is A Scam?

Getting unlimited, barely regulated Big Money out of electoral politics-- overturning the Supreme Court's Citizens United corporate-personhood decision-- has become a holy grail of progressive politics. And rightfully, fundamentally so. Bernie Sanders, the only actual progressive running for president, said in May that "if elected I will have a litmus test of my nominee to be a Supreme Court justice.

Did Chief Justice Roberts go a bit too far in explaining why judges are different from all other elected officials?

Chief "Smirkin' John": Too clever for his own good?by KenAs Daily Kos's Adam B writes in a fine post on yesterday's Supreme Court ruling that Florida can indeed bar judicial candidates from personally soliciting campaign funds, the ruling "stunned many Court observers -- certainly including me."Even in retrospect, it looks to have been a ho-hum Ro