church history

Gnosticism Refuted & St Irenaeus Against Heresies – Jay Dyer (Half)

This is the repaired free half, while the full talk is already available to subscribers to After many requests, I have decided to cover gnosticism and why I am not a gnostic. The first half will cover the lure of Gnosticism and its modern variants, and the often overlooked aspect of who funds gnostic movements and books. Then the second hour for subscribers to JaysAnalysis will cover the meaty details from St. Irenaeus’ Against Heresies and the gnostic popularizing books by Elaine Pagels and others, with specific philosophical and logical refutations.


The Anti-Naughty Podcast – Episode 1: Jay Dyer 7Pm EST Live

Our good buddy Eric Jones of Picking Bones is starting his podcast and has asked me on as a first guest. Eric has been doing a killer job with critiquing pop culture, analyzing history and dissecting the subtle undercurrents in areas many overlook, like the background to the skateboarding world.  We will be chatting about all things bizarre and historic tonight at 7PM EST 

Orthodoxy & Rome Exchange – Jay Dyer / Clayton Muirhead

An impromptu challenger emerged on Twitter. Clayton Muirhead expressed an interest in my debates and topics and was eager to have an exchange on the history of the papacy and the different conceptions in Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy in terms of the Triad, the office of Peter and the Christological implications of the essence-energy distinction.

YouTube Shooter & The 1,000 Year Techno Prison Stare – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room – Live Uninterruptible Talk Radio with the ACR Social Rejects Club
Dawn those headphones, crank it up and drop into the Boiler Room this week hosted by Hesher and Spore along with Jay Dyer, Randy J, Tommy the Comic Book Guy and Infidel Pharaoh.
Audio Here
Purchase my book Here.

JaysAnalysis: Refuting Anarchism, Marxism & All Revolutionary Thought (Half)

Reflecting on the debate with Adam Kokesh and briefly replying to the hit piece written about me by a pathological skeptic, I give my response and launch into a lengthier critique of all modern revolutionary thought.   This critique analyzes the assumptions of all modern liberal (nominalist) positions, from Marxism to anarchism to fascism.