
Stonewalled by Stonewall: Christian Social Worker Denied Job Due to Landmark Free Speech Victory

A Christian social worker is facing a discrimination battle with his Stonewall-backed employer, after they referred to his religious beliefs as 'upsetting and offensive'.
The post Stonewalled by Stonewall: Christian Social Worker Denied Job Due to Landmark Free Speech Victory appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Calling God ‘Our Father’ is Problematic Because of Oppressive Patriarchy, Says Archbishop

Calling God “our Father” is “problematic” for people who have suffered under "oppressive patriarchy”, the Archbishop of York has said. Why is God the only one these days not allowed his preferred pronouns?
The post Calling God ‘Our Father’ is Problematic Because of Oppressive Patriarchy, Says Archbishop appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Christian Nationalism vs. the Separation of Church and State

We have a long tradition in Am­erica of Separation of Church and State that prohi­bits government’s promotion of religion on the one hand, and interference with its free exercise on the other. In their refusal to establish a state church or to favor one religion over another, the Founding Fathers didn’t think that religion was […]

Patriarch Kirill asks President Putin to call ceasefire for Christmas, Ukraine says “hell, no” [Video]

A truce proposed by President Vladimir Putin of Russia, under the suggestion of Patriarch Kirill I of the Russian Orthodox Church, is set to be put in place for Russian armed forces starting 12:00 local time and lasting until midnight January 8th. This 36-hour period is intended to facilitate Orthodox Christians attendance of Church services […]

High Pagan Radicalism

Orientation Foundational polarities between paganism and monotheism What is the difference between a universe and a cosmos? Is the world eternal where something cannot come out of nothing or does the world have a beginning? What is primary, stasis or change? What might the difference between verbs and nouns have to do high paganism and […]
The post High Pagan Radicalism first appeared on Dissident Voice.