
Timeline of coronavirus responses show infantile Democrat reaction to Trump

Even though the US president is often seen to pivot in opinions about given points, the sum total of his maneuvering seems to work for the nation as a whole. The coronavirus pandemic is no different.
However, it does have to be acknowleged that the President has done what amounts to a complete 180-degree turn on his policy positions about the Wuhan coronavirus since the time it first made headlines back in December and January. He went from “it is not a problem” to “there is going to be a lot of death” over the three-month period.

COVID Orthodox Church closures part IV – Concluding thoughts

We hope that this series was helpful in shining some detailed and critical light on the matter of church closures, particularly in the various Eastern Orthodox Christian national churches in the United States and around the world. We looked at the historical precedents in Christianity that show the Church trying tirelessly to help her people.

COVID Church closures Part II – In light of Christian history

In part I of this series, we began to examine the present issue of Church closures in the West – Europe and the United States in particular, in response to the coronavirus pandemic and its accompanying illness, COVID-19. We tried to detach the hysteria and hype from this, and rather than make it a screed about the intrusion of the Dark Side upon the religious Christian right, we wanted to test current events against the following questions:

Orthodox Christianity vs. Socialism, Part V: Why are there “Christian socialists?”

Despite the facts we are outlining in this Christianity versus Socialism series, we are faced with the fact that there are a great many people – even Orthodox Christians – who ascribe to a philosophical point of view that is not Christianity at all, but socialism. Telltale signs of this include the belief in the notion that rich people should not be so rich, that their ‘excessive wealth’ is sinful and that money ought to be distributed among the people who are not wealthy.

Orthodox Christianity versus Socialism, Part II – Socialism Punishes Virtue

In Part I of this series, we began analyzing the incompatibility between Socialism and Orthodox Christianity. This has become something worthy of study, especially recently in the United States as the rise of Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders has drawn more and more public and voter attention. Statistics show that a great number of “millenials”, those twenty-something young Americans, see no problem with taking the US into a new existence as a socialist state.