Christchurch Shooting

UKC Extra Time: Christchurch Fall-Out and the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ Trap

In the wake of the recent Christchurch Terrorist Attack, various political forces are scrambling to try and capitalize on the event, and the Establishment continue to lecture the public about the supposed “western values” which are seemingly under threat. Bu t what are these values we keep hearing so much about, and is the public being herded into a predetermined set of socially and politically-engineered outcomes?

The Christchurch Massacre: And the Perpetual Motion Machine…

What happened in Christchurch, New Zealand, is not surprising. An event like that has been coming: and there’s going to be more of them elsewhere. With the extent of the continuous propaganda and brainwashing content (or experiment) being run across the uglier sections of the Internet, it’s actually surprising that something on this scale hasn’t […]

Christchurch Terrorist Attack: Many Unanswered Questions Remain

On Friday March 15, a suspected perpetrator of a massacre taking place at two mosques in Christchurch New Zealand is said to have killed 50 people in what is being regarded as one of the biggest mass shootings involving Muslim victims taking place in a western country. However, in the wake of New Zealand’s worst-ever domestic terror attack, a number of important unanswered questions still remain.