Chris Martsenson

Everybody Wears A Mask-- But They Won't Stop A Recession Or A Depression

Yesterday, on top of historically high unemployment insurance filings, NBC News reporters Kasie Hunt and Alex Moe had some more bad news on the personal financial front-- Trump Regime incompetence on full display: "The first Americans to get relief payments from the government under the coronavirus legislation signed into law last month won’t see the money until at least the week of April 13, a

China Under-Reported Its Numbers And Trump Is Jumping All Over That To Excuse His Incompetence And Narcissism

During an interview on the CBS Evening News last night, Nora O'Donnell asked Dr. Fauci when things will start returning to normal. "The vice president suggested today that Americans will be able to get back to work in early June, if we follow the federal guidelines. Do you agree with that assessment?" How could he possibly agree with such a foolish statement? His response was temperate: "The virus determines what the timetable is, not us."And the ability to make predications is based on numbers and all the numbers are off because of bad data-- much of it from China.

How Much Better Off Would America Be If Trump Becomes Infected A Goes To Meet Satan?

Die For Me by Nancy OhanianIn 1969 I bought a VW van in Wiesbaden, Germany and drove to India. When I drove back to Europe a couple of years later, I was sick and penniless and stranded. I made my way to Amsterdam and lived in my van and ate rice and vegetables everyday for a dollar at a macrobiotic restaurant in the city's meditation center, the Kosmos.

Who Could Have Known!

Last night Roland, a school teacher, admitted he thought I was crazy when I told him in January that the schools would soon be shut down for the rest of the year. We had just come back from Thailand. I had been wearing a mask in crowded situations-- like on the BTS (train), even though no one had heard the word "coronavirus" in December. On the way home I wore my mask on the Korean airline that took us home.