Chris Hayes

Yes, A Wealth Tax Is Constitutional-- A Elizabeth Warren's Plan Is Solid

Last week, even before Elizabeth Warren announced her wealth tax plan, I went back and forth with Alan Grayson about the constitutionality of the whole concept of a wealth tax. The original wealth tax post we ran about it on Thursday left out the constitutionality piece from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy report, the assertion that it would be constitutional.

Steve King-- The Republican Party's Sacrificial Lamb? Do They Think That Will Protect Trump?

The GOP has long had a habit of putting it's most extreme members on the House Judiciary Committee-- crackpots like Matt Gaetz (FL), Louie Gohmert (TX), Andy Biggs (AZ), Ken Buck (CO), Jim Jordan (OH), Darrell Issa (CA) and, as you probably know by now, Steve King. Monday evening, the Republican Policy and Steering Committee voted unanimously to kick King off all his committees.

2018 In Review: The Paul Ryan Obituary, Homicidal Maniac With A Pen. The Whole World Is Watching, Part 6.

by NoahSpeaker Paul "Crazy Eyes" Ryan, the pride of Janesville, Wisconsin, is almost Ex-Speaker Paul "Crazy Eyes" Ryan now. On the long list of Speakers of the House, Ryan's tainted name will forever linger towards the bottom of the Speaker quality list. The mystery should be how did such a profoundly unqualified person get as far as he did, but, then you look around him and it adds a perfect perspective.

Cascade Of Trump Crooks Continues... Broidy Takes A Turn In The Spotlight Again

Trump always claimed he would relate to government the same way he related to business— in into win it. Only an idiot would have ever thought there were any norms he would respect, any rules he would allow to hamper him. He ran his businesses like a criminal enterprise and he certainly ran his campaign in the same way. Can it still be a surprise to anyone that his campaign was awash in foreign money, primarily from forces seeking to harm America?

The Incivility Of The Trumpist Regime

Monday night, Maxine Waters was Chris Hayes' guest on All In to explain how Señor Trumpanzee had misinterpreted-- purposefully-- her call for Americans to confront Trumpist Cabinet members into a call for violence against GOP Voters. What she had said had zero to do with violence and zero to do with GOP voters... it was simply about legitimate, constitutionally-protected protest about usually cloistered and unavailable government officials... very healthy.

Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm Shits On Andrew McCabe For Trump

In case you missed Chris Hayes' jaw-dropping interview with double (or triple) agent Felix Sater Friday night, MSNBC has actually posted it in embeddable form. That's it above. Sater is the kind of instinctual career criminal who will work for the Mob one day, the FBI or CIA the next day and the Russians the day after-- at the time, of course-- working for no one but Felix Sater. They don't come lower. But they do come as low. Remember Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm? Like Sater, he likes to immunize himself from criticism by screaming how he served in the military.