Chris Hayes

This Week's Most Important TV: "The Most Controversial Thing In American Politics At The Moment And You've Probably Heard About It"

"It's called the Green New Deal. It envisions a carbon-zero economy by the middle of the century and a transformation of the American economy and, indeed, society. Some people call it a socialist monster; some people call it our only hope for survival in the way of life we hold dear." That was how Chris Hayes introduced Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the youngest woman to ever represent a district in the United States Congress, at the beginning of their Bronx town hall on the Green New Deal Friday evening.

Frackenlooper Wants You To Know He's Not Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez And That He Opposes The Green New Deal

Ed Markey's Tuesday night appearance with Chris Hayes was a pretty high energy explanation of the urgency of the Green New Deal-- in contrast to the Republican response to looming Climate Catastrophe. Earlier in the day, McTurtle had called a foolish stunt-vote. All the Democrats voted "present," other than 3 conservatives (+ Maine independent Angus King) who voted with the GOP for a meaningless 57-0 outcome.

Devin Nunes Still Needs A Hug-- And Not The Kind Of Anaconda Hug That Devin Nunes' Mom Wants To Give Him

For some reason I could never understand, no one on Twitter ever pointed out that Devin Nunes is a hermaphrodite. OK let that go by. But we really do need to ask ourselves if Nunes is a shameless partisan hack-- someone who abuses power and the legal process to injure his political opponents, who plays fast and loose with the truth to advance partisan goals, and who’s prone to conspiratorial thinking on the flimsiest of grounds. That either is or isn't the case.

Who Would Sir Isaac Newton Vote For?

Almost every time I watch a Bernie Sanders speech or video, like the one above, I think, oh, that could be part of his 2020 announcement. Well... we won't have to wait much longer. I don't think anyone will be surprised to know that Bernie is getting close to announcing. And Saturday, Politico reported that his announcement video has been recorded.