Chris Cillizza

Do You Think Picking The Lesser Of Two Evils In November Is How We Should Chose A President?

Maybe Hillary assumed no one would notice the kinds of hauls she was taking in from the Financial Sector for her presidential run. After all, the titans of Wall Street had largely underwritten her political career from the get go-- to the tune of $36,846,987. The only Members of Congress to whom they were more generous were McCain ($38,054,987) and, as she pointed out at the Sunday debate in South Carolina, Obama ($68,186,749).

And speaking of Governor Booby: Having established that he's a boob, is he trying now to show that he's thuggier than Fox Noise?

Fox Noise has backed off the "no-go zones," but not our KenBoy, all of today's stories seem to just tie together! Earlier today we were talking about the, er, distinguished roster of orators who have made their name in the Village by delivering responses to the president's State of the Union address, especially in the Age of Obama -- a list that will now and forever be headed by the biggest boob of them all, Louisiana Gov. Booby Jindal.

Two fathers respond to the Isla Vista shooting -- the only problem is that one is a journalistic joke

We don't need any stinking Magic 8 Ball. Tonight to read the future we have . . . the Great Punditto!"The war against euphemism matters most because it forces us to look at the truth we already know. The actual consequences of the N.R.A. and the gun policy it frightens those craven politicians into sponsoring is the death of kids like Christopher Michael-Martinez.

Steve Israel Had The Worst Week In Washington. 2014 Will Also Be His Worst Year So Far

This post isn't meant to gloat over DCCC Chairman Steve Israel's epic failures last week, nor even to bash a Beltway media incapable of covering it. Chris Cillizza at least tried a few days ago in the Washington Post: Who Had The Worst Week In Washington? DCCC Chairman Steve Israel.Cillizza tried.

"McCutcheon": a new Roberts Court buzzword to go with "Citizens United"

This is the freest danged speech you ever will see!"Freedom of speech, in my view, does not mean the freedom to buy the United States government."-- Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders"I am concerned that today's ruling may represent the latest step in an effort by a majority of the Court to dismantle entirely the longstanding structure of campaign finance law erected to limit the undue influence of special interests on American politics."-- Arizona Republican Sen.