
In Yemen, Selling, Borrowing, Begging To Save Loved-Ones as Cholera Rages

SANA’A, YEMEN — When his wife’s vomiting and diarrhea simply wouldn’t stop, 40-year-old Ali Sherwaid, an English teacher, did a quick accounting in his head, calibrating the catastrophe that had befallen him. With cholera ravaging his wife, 28 years-old and nine-months pregnant with the couple’s first child, Sherwaid needed to get her medical treatment.

US-Backed Coalition Bombs New Cholera Treatment Center in Yemen

A military coalition formally led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and supported by the United States and Britain, bombed a newly constructed cholera treatment center in Yemen on Monday, June 11.This attack comes after Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East, suffered through the worst cholera outbreak in recorded history, with more than 1 million cases reported in 2017 alone.

Haiti on this Earthquake Anniversary Still Pays the Price for Having Fought Slavery

One would think that, now that the despised 14-year long United Nations Mission for the (de)Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH) has been forced to shut down, Haiti would be on the road to some modest, sustained, recovery from the devastating January 12, 2010 earthquake. It is not. The Republic of Haiti has never been in greater danger than it is now.

WHO: ‘Preventable’ Cholera In Yemen Reaches Over 1 Million Cases

There are currently one million people infected with cholera in wartorn Yemen, the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced on Wednesday
Some 2,225 people have died on the disease since 27 April, it added.
The UN organisation issued a report stating that as of Monday, there were 983,486 cases of Cholera in Yemen.
The organisation also noted that during the same period, it recorded 2,225 deaths caused by the disease, spread across 21 of the country’s 22 provinces.