
Want To Re-Fight The Wars Over Freedom Of Choice?

Kevin McCarthy is the Republican House Leader. But can he lead? A poll the other day from Morning Consult/Politico showed that 31% of Americans don't know who McCarthy even is; never heard of him. His twitter following (278K) is tiny compared to other national leaders-- Pelosi (2.52 million), Schumer (1.98 million), AOC (4.18 million), even the reviled McTurtle (875K)...

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahYep. Ms. Betty Bowers nails it as usual: In the Republican Mind, you shouldn't be forced to bake a cake for a gay couple's wedding but an Alabama woman can be forced to deliver a baby sired by a rapist or her own father or brother. The new Alabama abortion law is a very good example of Republican sharia law. Alabama repugs want no abortions unless, maybe, the woman's life is in danger.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTonight's meme is offered in the context of what the misogynistic, scared little mentally defective repug molemen (and a few female accomplices) of Republican legislatures in now third world shithole states like Georgia, Alabama, and Ohio have been doing in recent weeks to brutally suppress women and crush their right to reproductive health care and the freedom of choice.

Republicans Seek To Go Out With A Bang-- Reaffirming Their War Against Women In The Lame Duck Session

The House Republicans have always hated the Violence Against Women Act-- first passed in 1994-- and yesterday Roll Call reported that they plan to use the cover of the lame duck session to let it lapse. "The law was set to expire Sept. 30, but it was extended through Dec. 7 under a stopgap spending bill that expires this week. Text of another short term spending deal was released Monday and does not include a VAWA extension, according to Republican aides in both the House and Senate."