
Socialist China or Capitalist China? It’s All the Same to the Country’s Communist Rulers

May 13, 2022 By Stephen Gowans Empiric, a word infrequently used these days, refers to a quack. This seems odd, considering that empiric and empirical (based on observation) are related. In antiquity, empirics were physicians who relied on their experience and observation rather than on the texts of Aristotle and other philosophers to treat patients. … Continue reading Socialist China or Capitalist China?

Russia sanctions will trigger global food and energy crises – China

Samizdat | May 12, 2022 The international sanctions campaign to punish Russia over the Ukraine conflict will backfire, causing suffering by people around the world while failing to promote peace in the former Soviet republic, a top Chinese diplomat has told the UN Security Council. “Sanctions will not bring peace but will only accelerate the […]

Why China Is Not Socialist

Colonial politics and imperialism are not healthy, curable deviations of capitalism…they are the inevitable consequence of the very foundations of capitalism. Competition among individual entrepreneurs either to become ruined, or to ruin others; competition between individual countries places before each of them the alternative of their remaining behind, running the risk of [falling behind], or … Continue reading Why China Is Not Socialist →

Barnaby Joyce: Election Gonzo and China Fears

Always looking, and sounding, a touch unhinged, the beetroot-coloured Barnaby Joyce, leader of the Australian Nationals and, for a time now, deputy prime minister, has made a splash.  With the federal elections being held on May 18, he does not have much time to commit mischief and befuddle the political vultures.  But the National Press […]
The post Barnaby Joyce: Election Gonzo and China Fears first appeared on Dissident Voice.

CovertAction Bulletin Podcast: How Did China Eradicate Extreme Poverty?

On today’s show, we bring you the second half of our interview with Tings Chak, Researcher and art director at Tricontinental: Institute of Social Research, and a member of the Dongsheng Collective. We focus on the Chinese government’s programs to eradicate extreme poverty in the country and further discuss her work on the study “Serve the People: The Eradication of Extreme Poverty in China” for Tricontinental.

China:  Seeking Peace and Promoting Development

This was my presentation at a Chongyang Institute’s organized international webinar on 6 May 2022 on the topic of “Seeking Peace and Promoting Development”. The Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies is a think tank attached to the Renmin University of Beijing. ***** In today’s world of regional conflicts, technological upgrading, epidemic stalemate and system reform, […]