
Chilean government agrees with new constitution, but vetoes new Constituent Assembly

By Lucas Leiroz | October 19, 2020 Chile has been experiencing violent popular protests for over a year. The general dissatisfaction with the government of Sebastián Piñera and his allies has generated strong unrest in the country, which has worried the Chilean political elite. In this sense, fear of the consequences of the rebellions has […]

Allende’s Political Program as Reference for a Sustainable Chile

This September marked 50 years since Salvador Allende’s Unidad Popular triumphed in the country’s democratic elections. On September 4, 1970, despite the CIA’s funding of right-wing politics to sabotage the electoral process, Chile chose socialism and was well on the way to prove that revolution could be carried out through democratic means – a process that created yet another hindrance for U.S. plans in the region. Since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, the U.S.

Grandson of overthrown Chilean President Salvador Allende defends Venezuela against US coup attempt

The grandson of Chile’s former elected socialist President Salvador Allende, who was toppled in a 1973 CIA-orchestrated military coup, has lived in Venezuela for 10 years. The Grayzone’s Ben Norton interviewed Pablo Sepúlveda Allende in Caracas. Sepúlveda Allende spoke about the many similarities between the democratic revolutions in Chile and Venezuela, and why he thinks Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro follow in the footsteps of his grandfather. Transcript BEN NORTON: September 11 is a dark date not only in the […]

U.S. Meddling in Chile’s 1964 Presidential Election

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | August 31, 2020

Given the U.S. government’s meddling in Chile’s 1964 presidential election, I can’t help but wonder whether that has contributed to the major obsession that U.S. officials have with supposed Russian meddling in U.S. presidential elections. When one does bad things to others, oftentimes this causes the malefactor to think that others are doing the same thing to him.

Chile’s Militarisation of the Araucania Influences Racism Against the Mapuche Population

As Chile shifted its attention to the coronavirus pandemic, which brought out the country’s widespread social inequalities, the state’s aggression towards the Mapuche people went on unhindered. In June, President Sebastian Piñera dispatched 80 members of its special forces to Temuco in the Araucania region, as resistance to state violence against the indigenous populations increased.