child sex rings

Belgian Court Could Release Marc Dutroux, the ‘Monster of Belgium,’ Who Was Convicted of Raping 11 Underage Girls and Killing 4 of Them. He Claims to Be Part of an Elite Pedophilia Network.

Belgium's sentencing court will consider releasing Marc Dutroux, convicted of raping and killing children. Dutroux contends that he is part of a criminal network that includes high-level pedophiles.

UK: Retired Scotland Yard Detective Explains that Children’s Care Homes Are Used for Pedophilia and Organized Child Sex Rings

Child sex abuse is a political strategy that creates a means to control politicians and judges through blackmail. It has become a standard method of operation at the highest levels in almost all governments of the world, which is why it is so difficult to get governments to clean it up.

Arizona Senator David Farnsworth Says Fellow Republican Lawmaker, Kate Brophy McGee, Threatened Him for Investigating Child Sex Trafficking

Farnsworth says that Arizona state agencies "lost" 550 children last year. About half of those are categorized as runaways and the other half are attributed to errors in record keeping. He says he fears the children may have been abducted and sold to a global sex-trafficking ring.