
Anarchism Without the Name: Lessons from the Town of Cherán

IN A SMALL MEXICAN TOWN, LOCAL INDIGENOUS RESIDENTS HAVE CREATED A NEW, DEMOCRATIC, AND LARGELY PEACEFUL COMMUNITY. THE QUESTION, WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS? Murray Bookchin, in his seminal work in the field of social ecology, The Ecology of Freedom, criticised the tendency of history to focus upon the ‘achievement of power’, the empires with their ‘temples, mortuaries and palaces’ […]

Mexican Town With Lowest Crime Rate in the Country Kicked out Its Police and Politicians 7 Years Ago

In the town of Cherán, in Michoacán, Mexico, a system of traditional indigenous law-enforcement and accountability continues to guide the people. In early 2011, residents of Cherán created armed militias to fight off illegal logging and drug cartels in their community. The community kicked out politicians and police accused of ties to the drug cartels and began a new system of governance based on Purhépecha traditions.