chemical weapons

INTERVIEW: Robert Stuart on Exposing BBC Faux ‘Documentary’ on Syria

In today’s corporate mainstream media, war propaganda frequently masquerades as ‘news’. These productions are often laundered through some of the world’s most famous and reputable media brands. But when directly challenged over such practices, the establishment media will first react with denial, followed by ad hominem attacks and smears against those raising the alarm. This is the story of one person’s journey in exposing one of the most shocking examples of media deception.

The Western Media is Key to Syria Deception

By any reckoning, the claim made this week by al-Qaeda-linked fighters that they were targeted with chemical weapons by the Syrian government in Idlib province – their final holdout in Syria – should have been treated by the western media with a high degree of scepticism.
That the US and other western governments enthusiastically picked up those claims should not have made them any more credible.

INTERVIEW: Dr. Piers Robinson Discusses New OPCW Leak and Shifting Douma Narrative

Western governments are so deeply invested in the official ‘chemical weapons attack’ narrative that any new information which contradicts this could be viewed as a threat established policy. Such information has emerged recently, but incredibly, only one mainstream media outlet has reported on this crucial revelation.  

The Engineering Assessment of Two Cylinders Observed at the Douma Incident

The Engineering Assessment of Two Cylinders Observed at the Douma Incident has come to light after communications between the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media and OPCW staff members. Below is the introduction from the WGSPM and a link to the document: “In our Briefing note on the Final Report of the OPCW Fact-Finding Mission […]

Saddamizing al-Assad

Donald Trump’s first action upon assuming the Presidential throne of the United States involved the re-location of a bust of Winston Churchill back into the Oval Office. Originally given to President Bush the Second in July, 2001, Churchill’s bust was removed by Barack Obama (January, 2009) in favor of a bust of Martin Luther King. If the symbolism in all of this changing of the bust business were a pinball machine, then lights and buzzers would be flashing and dinging like crazy!