chemical weapons

Srebrenica did not “inspire” Christchurch

Earlier this month, popular ‘progressive’ news website The Intercept published an article entitled “From El Paso to Sarajevo: How White Nationalists Are Inspired by the Bosnia Genocide”, written by journalist and staff writer Murtaza Hussain. The piece argued that many of the perpetrators behind mass shootings and domestic terrorism in the West — from the convicted far right extremist behind the 2011 Norway attacks to the suspect charged in the recent mosque shootings in Christchurc

Oliver Kamm Launches Evidence Free Attack on Real Journalist, Academic and Politician.

There is something that the repulsive Oliver Kamm doesn’t seem to grasp: whenever there is instigated another desperate ‘expose’ of Vanessa Beeley, Piers Robinson and the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media (the latest attack focuses on the group’s David Miller and suspended Labour MP Chris Williamson) it simply proves to all of us who support their vital work, […]

SYRIA: OPCW investigation is “not a viable one” – Scott Ritter

With the OPCW in Syria, they can't prove anything. They used, as their primary sources, in many cases, their only sources - the opposition, the anti-Assad opposition [..] they use Al Qaeda as a primary source. They used the White Helmets, the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) which are nothing more than adjuncts of Al Qaeda. They operate under the umbrella of Al Qaeda, the protection of Al Qaeda, they take their orders from Al Qaeda.

OSINT for Dummies: How to Mount a Fake Investigation

Since 2012, western political and media establishments have been aggressively propping-up cutout organizations like Bellingcat, portraying them as the ‘unlikely amateur’ sleuth-heroes, running their world-beating ‘open source’ (OSINT) investigations from their laptops in the UK and the Netherlands. In every instance, their OSINT ‘findings’ will implicate the geopolitical adversaries of the US and its allies.

Robert Stuart vs the BBC

It’s a David vs Goliath story. A former local newspaper reporter, Robert Stuart, is taking on the British Broadcasting Corporation. Stuart believes that a sensational video story about an alleged atrocity in Syria “was largely, if not entirely, staged.”  The BBC would like it all to just go away. But like David, Stuart will not back down or let it go.  It has been proposed that the BBC could settle the issue by releasing the raw footage from the event, but they refuse to do this. Why?
The Controversial Video