chemical weapons

Iraq Insurgents Have Chemical and Nuclear Material

America and Britain destroyed Iraq for them, lynched the country’s President for them, created five million orphans, five million displaced, over a million widows and now upper figures of over one and a half million dead for them. They created mass graves on an industrial scale for them, with people’s beloveds buried in car parks, gardens, patios and football pitches – but now that they are in the hands of ISIS (the self proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) they pose barely a “minimal risk” say US government spokespeople. We are talking, of course, chemical weapons.

BREAKING NEWS: Chemical attack by western backed mercenary terrorists target the Syria


As we were already warning, a chemical attack by mercenary terroristic forces (directed by foreign military intelligences) targeted the Syrian territory, in Hama province

Syria’s official TV said few hours ago that the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front used toxic gas in the central province of Hama, killing at least two people and causing suffocation to hundred others.

Seymour M. Hersh: Turkey and Erdogan planned Sarin attack in Syria

An article by Seymour Hersh in the London Review of Books provides some very interesting information pointing to Turkey as having been the prime mover behind the chemical weapons attack in Ghouta. The article comes as the case that the Syrian government committed the atrocity is looking increasingly weak and desperate. Hersh has used his […]

REICH WATCH, E3; How Britain Secretly Wages War On Middle East & African Republics Via British Crowned Arab Monarchies & Their Proxy Terrorists

(AE) - The war on the Middle East and Africa explained in 30 minutes… using history and maps… including a look at drone base locations and expanding wanton drone attacks…. ending with a brief overview of “British Israelism”, the White Supremacist, racist, anti Jewish, anti Christian, and anti Muslim, false ideology which is the driving force behind the fascist march toward One World Government (Universal Fascism), also known as the New World Order (NWO).

Observations on the UN final report into chemical weapons use in Syria

A few comments on the final UN report on alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria are in order. The report provides evidence which suggests use of chemical weapons against the Syrian army, including on a fairly large-scale in Khan al-Assal and including with the use of Sarin. This has major implications which should give […]

Åke Sellström’s final report on chemical weapons attacks in Syria handed over today

Åke Sellström’s final report on the alleged chemical weapons attacks in Syria was handed over to the UN Secretary-General today (12th December) at 4.40pm EST. Human Rights Investigations was pleasantly surprised to receive an email from Professor Sellström, thanking us for information we provided regarding the short range of the rockets his team inspected in […]