chemical weapons

2,190 Days Of Suffering: Syrians Describe Surviving The Rebel Invasion

Syrian rebels walk in an alley in Idlib, Syria, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2012. (AP Photo)
DAMASCUS —(Editorial) During the past six years, a country that was previously absent from mainstream media coverage has taken center stage in the news. One needs only to turn on the TV, read a newspaper or hop online to hear about the ongoing conflict in Syria – a conflict that has been described as this decade’s most brutal humanitarian crisis.

Russia and China veto UN vote on Syria

As promised Russia voted against the latest attempt by the Western powers to use the UN Security Council to impose sanctions on Syria, this time in connection with Syria’s alleged use of chemical weapons.
This is the seventh occasion that Russia has wielded its veto on Syria’s behalf.
China also voted against the resolution, the sixth time China has voted against a Western sponsored resolution concerning Syria.

Human Rights Watch: Chemical Weapons Being Used in Syria

(ANTIMEDIA) Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said Syrian government forces conducted coordinated chemical attacks in opposition-controlled parts of Aleppo during the final month of the battle for the city last year. HRW came to its conclusion through phone and in-person interviews with witnesses and analysis of video footage, photographs, and posts on social media.

FLASHBACK: ‘The Syrian War: What You’re Not Being Told’ (About Chemical Weapons)

21st Century Wire says…
Back in August 2013, United Nations investigators led by Carla Del Ponte found evidence that alleged chemical weapons attacks by the Syrian military were actually staged by US, Saudi and Qatari-backed jihadist ‘rebels.’ By definition, this was a false flag attack. Regardless of the facts, western media and political leaders still decided to blame Damascus for the incident. 

BREAKING: Syrian Government Gives Evidence of ‘Rebels’ Using Mustard Gas Against Civilians

21st Century Wire says…
Just when you thought things could not get any worse for the US State Dept’s dynamic trio of John Kerry, Samantha Power and John Kirby, and President Obama too – another damning piece of evidence surfaces which implicates Western and Gulf state-backed “moderate rebels” in Syria.