chemical weapons

This body language expert says Assad is telling truth about Syria chemical weapons, while McMasters is lying

We may never really know what happened in Idlib, Syria on April 4th, ever since the United States decided to forgo an investigation and act as judge, jury and executioner with flimsy, if not outright false evidence.
The Duran has done an extensive amount of reporting, thoroughly debunking the entire chemical weapons incident in the Syrian province, most recently summed up in this excellent post.

Russia: No Requests For Medicince, Treatment In Aftermath Of Syria Chemical Attack

Close up photograph of the crater that has been shown in numerous mainstream media publications that the White House alleges is proof that the source of the nerve agent attack was the Syrian government.
A puzzling new development has emerged in the aftermath of the alleged chemical weapons incident in Syria’s Idlib Governorate from the 4th of April.
Since the incident, apparently no one in the Khan Shaykhun area in question has asked for any antidotes for exposure to toxic sarin gas, the chemical allegedly deployed on the 4th of April.

Lugansk People’s Republic calls for international investigation of chemical weapons proliferation by Ukrainian regime

The Duran recently reported on stories that forces of the Ukrainian regime have used chemical weapons on Donbass, including on civilian populations.
READ MORE: When Ukraine dropped chemical weapons on Donbass, the west didn’t care (VIDEO)
Today, the Lugansk People’s Republic in Donbass has issued a statement urging for international condemnation of and further investigations into the chemical weapons that the Kiev regime holds in its weapons arsenals.

ISIS launches 2nd gas attack on Iraqi troops in Mosul

Here is a chemical attack that occurred on Sunday that the mainstream media will sparsely report.
Why? Because this attack was a confirmed chemical weapons attack conducted by ISIS.
And, for those still not in the know…ISIS is backed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey…and the USA.
It’s all part of the “Assad must go” first strategy…so any chemical weapons press that ISIS incurs, destroys the “Assad has chemical weapons” narrative that has been carelessly crafted over the years.

Chemical weapons in Syria and the UN Security Council: No resolution adopted

On April 12, Security Council met again to discuss the issue of chemical substances that caused the death of 87 persons last April 4 in Syria. A first urgent session took place on April 5 on the very same topic (see S/PV.7915). Article by Nicolas Boeglin, Professor of International Law, Law Faculty, University of Costa Rica […]

New Facts of the White Helmets’ Stage in Khan Shaykhun

On April 13, The Syrian Observer published an article related to the fact that the chemical attack in Khan Shayhun was staged by the White Helmets.
Tuesday, April 4, the White Helmets activists reported the chemical attack in the town of Khan Shaykhun of Idlib province. The national coalition of the Syrian opposition and revolutionary forces was the first to report 80 dead and 200 injured.
In fact, this chemical attack was a premeditated false flag operation aimed to blame the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad for using chemical weapons against civilians.

FIERCE battle for Mosul: house-to-house fighting, 400K civilians trapped (WARNING: Combat Footage)

While most of the mainstream media’s focus remains on Syria and on Bashar al-Assad’s and Vladimir Putin’s alleged “crimes” there – mostly staged false-flags and manufactured propaganda on social media – there is a genuine humanitarian crisis unfolding in the Iraqi city of Mosul.
The Iraqi army, with US and other western advisors and aided by significant air support, are pushing onto the heart of the embattled city – the biggest stronghold of ISIS in Iraq.