chemical weapons

Russia slams OPCW report on alleged chemical attack in Idlib as a failure

What do you call a report based on a chemical attack alleged to have occurred in a specific site, the authors of which refused to even visit the site? One might call it a farce. This is broadly what Russia has said of a report from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on the alleged chemical attack in Syria’s Idlib Governorate said to have happened on the 4th of April, 2017.

ZAKHAROVA: terrorist press release on chemical weapons a “show”

Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman for Russia’s Foreign Ministry has slammed a recent press release from the Salafist terrorist group Failaq Al-Rahman, an affiliate of the Turkish proxy terrorist group FSA.
They recently came out with a press release claiming that Syria launched a chlorine gas attack on their area of occupation in East Ghouta. The statement was drafted in perfect English, using many terms that one would more readily associate with a lawyer than with terrorists who presumably do not speak English as their native tongue.

THE COLUMN: MI5 Recruit Russian Bankers, Bogus Chemical Weapons Reports, BBC Trolling on Twitter

While the Queen’s MI5 are recruiting Russian bankers in the City of London as high level informants, Britain and the US slide deeper into their own geopolitical ravine. Turns out that Trump knew Assad never launched a ‘Sarin Attack’ on Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib in April – but will it affect US policy going forward?Meanwhile the BBC are out trolling on Twitter apparently looking for ‘trends’. All this and more…