chemical weapons

An inside look at post-coup Ukraine

The colossal chaos, economic depression, and everyday violence that is now part of daily life in Ukraine have defied the expectations of even some of the most hardened critics of the regime which came to power during the Kiev coup of February 2014.
Journalists killed and kidnapped:
Two days ago, the Russian journalist Anna Kurbatova who works for Russia’s prestigious Channel One was kidnapped in the streets of Kiev by assailants later exposed as working for the Kiev regime’s security service, the SBU.

The New “Axis of Evil”: UN Asserts Link Between North Korea And Syrian Chemical Weapons Program

NEW YORK – On Monday, Reuters published a widely circulated story based on a confidential United Nations report on North Korean sanctions violations. According to the report, which is not available to the general public, two North Korean shipments to a Syrian government agency responsible for the country’s chemical weapons program had been intercepted.

Iranian court orders US to pay $245 million to victims of chemical weapons during Iran-Iraq War

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – An Iranian court demanded the US administration to pay $245 million to the victims of chemical attacks carried out by Saddam Hussein’s forces during the Iran-Iraqi war of 1980-1988, Iran’s Judiciary spokesman Gholam Hossein Mohseni Eje’i said Sunday.
“A number of people who have been harmed during the chemical bombing have filed lawsuits and a court has issued decrees for 18 of them who have been harmed or died and estimated their ransom,” Mohseni Eje’i was quoted as saying by the Fars news agency.

Russian demands investigation of allegations US and UK supplied chemical weapons to terrorists

This week Syria has alleged that in addition to the already acknowledged arming of terrorists in Syria with weapons and vehicles, America and Britain also gave them access to chemicals which could easily be weaponised.
Specifically, chemical weapons confirmed by the OPCW to be in the hands of terrorists in Aleppo and Damascus are said to have derived from the US and UK.

Syria calls on UN force US to stop committing war crimes

Syria has called on the UN for force the United States and its allies to cease the bombing of civilians, civil infrastructure and cease using the deadly chemical weapon white phosphorus in the country.
Yesterday, Syria accused the US and UK of providing chemical weapons materials to terrorists in the country, a move Syria also seeks to have condemned by the UN.

Syria accuses US and UK of supply chemical agents for weapons to terrorists

DAMASCUS, (Sputnik) – Toxic agents that were found in weapons depots abandoned by militants in Syria’s Aleppo and a Damascus suburb testify that they had been delivered to terrorists in Syria from the United States and the United Kingdom, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad said at a press conference in Damascus on Wednesday.

Syria requests compensation from US over destruction wrought by war

The government of the Syrian Arab Republic has written to the United Nations demanding that the international body compensate Syria for its human and material loses which resulted from illegal US and US allied bombings of Syrian infrastructure.
The letter comes shortly after Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reminded the world that US intervention in Syria is illegal according to the international law that the UN is supposed to enforce.