chemical weapons

WMD Claims in Syria Raise Concerns over U.S. Escalation

It’s the WMD story all over again. Not unlike the spurious claims that paved the way to war with Iraq 15 years ago, anonymous “U.S. officials” are once again accusing a targeted “regime” of using “weapons of mass destruction” and issuing threats that the U.S. military may have to “hold it accountable.” Once again, Western media is broadcasting these accusations and threats without skepticism or investigation.

US Prepared to Take Military Action Against Syrian Government Forces, Officials Warn

(MEE) — The Trump administration is prepared to again take military action against Syrian government forces if necessary to deter the use of chemical weapons and is concerned they may be developing new methods to deliver such weapons, senior US officials said on Thursday. Forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have continued occasional use of chemical […]

US Rejects Moscow’s Plan for UN Investigation into Syria ‘Chemical Weapons’ Claims

The United States continues to suppress and block any international effort to verify or investigate what actually happened at last year’s alleged chemical weapons event in Khan Shaykhun, Syria. This week, after Russia proposed the implementation of basic due process in order to actually investigate and verify US claims of chemical weapons use by the Syrian government, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley snapped back and accused Moscow of trying to ‘protect Assad’ from war crimes accusations.

New evidence regarding the Khan Sheikhoun “crater”

This article analyses new evidence which has come to light since the UN OPCW JIM report was issued which suggests the reports conclusions regarding Khan Sheikhoun need to be reconsidered and the matter looked at afresh. The new evidence and analysis presented in this article relates to the possibility the crater in Khan Sheikhoun was […]

The So-Called Syria ‘Experts,’ and George Monbiot

Investigative journalist Gareth Porter has published two exclusives whose import is far greater than may be immediately apparent. They concern Israel’s bombing in 2007 of a supposed nuclear plant secretly built, according to a self-serving US and Israeli narrative, by Syrian leader Bashar Assad.
Although the attack on the “nuclear reactor” occurred a decade ago, there are pressing lessons to be learned for those analyzing current events in Syria.

Monbiot Still Burying his Head in Sands of Syria

Investigative journalist Gareth Porter has published two exclusives whose import is far greater than may be immediately apparent. They concern Israel’s bombing in 2007 of a supposed nuclear plant secretly built, according to a self-serving US and Israeli narrative, by Syrian leader Bashar Assad.
Although the attack on the “nuclear reactor” occurred a decade ago, there are pressing lessons to be learnt for those analysing current events in Syria.

The UN OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism report regarding Khan Sheikhoun

The UN OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM) report regarding Khan Sheikhoun has sharply divided opinion, largely because the US and some of its closest allies choose to maintain its central finding of “confidence” the Syrian Arab Republic was guilty is a finding of indisputable fact, whilst Russia (with the open or tacit support of others) […]